Foto de Jérôme Jouve Francia

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There, where they see nothing.....They imagine there is nothing. Nietzsche

To be derpived of one's eyes imprisons one in a world without light however does sight itself not imprison us in a world of cultural constraints? In my photographs you can imagine a bird, an angel, a face, as many of man's creations as is possible which crystalise our stereotyped thoughts, formatted by materialistic references.

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Foto de Jérôme Jouve Francia

There, where they see nothing.....They imagine there is nothing. Nietzsche

To be derpived of one's eyes imprisons one in a world without light however does sight itself not imprison us in a world of cultural constraints? In my photographs you can imagine a bird, an angel, a face, as many of man's creations as is possible which crystalise our stereotyped thoughts, formatted by materialistic references.

One of the aims of my work is go beyond this vision towards the conceptual, free of socio-cultural attachments through the abstract photography of non-abstract subjects. A sheet of iron may transform into the figurative in your mind but I seek to show the simple sheet of iron as it is. By assimilating this basic reality maybe we can liberate ourselves of our omnipresent socio-cultural constraints.

Technical information: All of the photographs presented are single editions, without excception. All of the works are printed onto canvas (Epson Canvas using Epson Ultrachrome pigment-based inks and thus benefit from the technology and the certification of Epson Digigraphy) and are mounted on wooden chassis.

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